Several tests requires that the user must have the Create Symbolic Links
Grammar nitpick - should be "Several tests require".
Set environment variable "Platform" to "x64" or "Win32", depending on whether
Sorry about not mentioning this earlier. Failure to set it causes a confusing error code from the C compiler that is hard to diagnose as the missing environment setting. So maybe we can make this suggestion more forceful e.g. "You must set the Platform environment variable". Also, environment variables on Windows are usually case-insensitive but Maven appears to treat them as case-sensitive, so PLATFORM or platform would not work here. It took me a while to figure out when I hit it.
Related to the above, just suggesting some rewording.
- set Platform=x64 (when building on a 64-bit system)
- set Platform=Win32 (when building on a 32-bit system)
+1 otherwise.
I committed the patch to branch-trunk-win.
Thank you Chris! Thank you Arpit for the review.