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  1. Hadoop Common
  2. HADOOP-838

TaskRunner.run() doesn't pass along the 'java.library.path' to the child (task) jvm


    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 0.9.2
    • 0.10.0
    • None
    • None


      Since TaskRunner.run doesn't pass along java.library.path of the parent (TT) to the child (task) the native library path (if needed) is missing and hence it cannot load the native library. The fix is to do a System.getProperty and add it to the child jvm's arguments.


        1. HADOOP-838_20061220_1.patch
          0.9 kB
          Arun Murthy


          acmurthy Arun Murthy added a comment -

          Straight-forward fix...

          Mahadev: Can you confirm this works for you? Thanks!

          acmurthy Arun Murthy added a comment - Straight-forward fix... Mahadev: Can you confirm this works for you? Thanks!
          nidaley Nigel Daley added a comment -


          With LD_LIBRARY_PATH set to not include the hadoop native library, I successfully ran all the unit tests and saw that the native library was always loaded.

          nidaley Nigel Daley added a comment - +1 With LD_LIBRARY_PATH set to not include the hadoop native library, I successfully ran all the unit tests and saw that the native library was always loaded.
          acmurthy Arun Murthy added a comment -

          Thanks for the review Nigel!

          acmurthy Arun Murthy added a comment - Thanks for the review Nigel!
          hadoopqa Hadoop QA added a comment -

          +1, because http://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/attachment/12347564/HADOOP-838_20061220_1.patch applied and successfully tested against trunk revision r489190.

          hadoopqa Hadoop QA added a comment - +1, because http://issues.apache.org/jira/secure/attachment/12347564/HADOOP-838_20061220_1.patch applied and successfully tested against trunk revision r489190.
          cutting Doug Cutting added a comment -

          I just committed this. Thanks, Arun!

          cutting Doug Cutting added a comment - I just committed this. Thanks, Arun!


            acmurthy Arun Murthy
            acmurthy Arun Murthy
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