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  1. Hadoop Common
  2. HADOOP-4709

Update chukwa source code and develop chukwa from public repository



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • None
    • Redhat EL 4.5, Java 1.6, Hadoop trunk

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      What is new in HADOOP-4709:

        Dashboard for visual Hadoop metrics and system metrics.
        Database loader for loading chukwa records to jdbc connected database.
        FileAdaptor for streaming small file as one record for data processing.
        Scripts for capturing tcpdump output and stream to Chukwa for archive.


        New load blanace algorithm for ChukwaAgent to distribute data to Chukwa Collectors more evenly.
        Unit test and validation for agent, collector, and demux map reduce job.

      Contributed by Jerome Boulon, Andy Konwinski, Ariel Rabkin, Eric Yang
      What is new in HADOOP-4709 :   Dashboard for visual Hadoop metrics and system metrics.   Database loader for loading chukwa records to jdbc connected database.   FileAdaptor for streaming small file as one record for data processing.   Scripts for capturing tcpdump output and stream to Chukwa for archive. Improvement   New load blanace algorithm for ChukwaAgent to distribute data to Chukwa Collectors more evenly.   Unit test and validation for agent, collector, and demux map reduce job. Contributed by Jerome Boulon, Andy Konwinski, Ariel Rabkin, Eric Yang


      New features that were added to Chukwa source code since last time chukwa was committed to SVN repository:

      • Added Hadoop Infrastructure Care Center (UI for visualize data collected by Chukwa)
      • Added FileAdaptor for streaming small file in one chunk
      • Added compression to archive and demux output
      • Added unit tests and validation for agent, collector, and demux map reduce job
      • Added database loader for loading demux output (sequence file) to jdbc connected database
      • Added algorithm to distribute collector load more evenly


        1. HADOOP-4709-binary.tar.gz
          60 kB
          Eric Yang
        2. HADOOP-4709-3.patch
          1.85 MB
          Eric Yang

        Issue Links



              eyang Eric Yang
              eyang Eric Yang
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