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  1. Hadoop Common
  2. HADOOP-18886 S3A: AWS SDK V2 Migration: stabilization and S3Express
  3. HADOOP-19221

S3A: Unable to recover from failure of multipart block upload attempt "Status Code: 400; Error Code: RequestTimeout"

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      S3A upload operations can now recover from failures where the store returns a 500 error. There is an option to control whether or not the S3A client itself attempts to retry on a 50x error other than 503 throttling events (which are independently processed as before). Option: fs.s3a.retry.http.5xx.errors . Default: true
      S3A upload operations can now recover from failures where the store returns a 500 error. There is an option to control whether or not the S3A client itself attempts to retry on a 50x error other than 503 throttling events (which are independently processed as before). Option: fs.s3a.retry.http.5xx.errors . Default: true


      If a multipart PUT request fails for some reason (e.g. networrk error) then all subsequent retry attempts fail with a 400 Response and ErrorCode RequestTimeout .

      Your socket connection to the server was not read from or written to within the timeout period. Idle connections will be closed. (Service: Amazon S3; Status Code: 400; Error Code: RequestTimeout; Request ID:; S3 Extended Request ID:

      The list of supporessed exceptions contains the root cause (the initial failure was a 500); all retries failed to upload properly from the source input stream RequestBody.fromInputStream(fileStream, size).

      Hypothesis: the mark/reset stuff doesn't work for input streams. On the v1 sdk we would build a multipart block upload request passing in (file, offset, length), the way we are now doing this doesn't recover.

      probably fixable by providing our own ContentStreamProvider implementations for

      1. file + offset + length
      2. bytebuffer
      3. byte array

      The sdk does have explicit support for the memory ones, but they copy the data blocks first. we don't want that as it would double the memory requirements of active blocks.



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            stevel@apache.org Steve Loughran
            stevel@apache.org Steve Loughran
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