

    • Incompatible change
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      1. Migrating Async appenders from code to log4j properties for namenode audit logger as well as datanode/namenode metric loggers
      2. Provided sample log4j properties on how we can configure AsyncAppender to wrap RFA for the loggers
      3. Incompatible change as three hdfs-site configs are no longer in use, they are to be replaced with log4j properties. Removed them and added a log to indicate that they are now replaced with log4j properties. The configs:
         - dfs.namenode.audit.log.async
         - dfs.namenode.audit.log.async.blocking
         - dfs.namenode.audit.log.async.buffer.size
      4. Namenode audit logger as well as datanode/namenode metric loggers now use SLF4J logger rather than log4j logger directly
      1. Migrating Async appenders from code to log4j properties for namenode audit logger as well as datanode/namenode metric loggers 2. Provided sample log4j properties on how we can configure AsyncAppender to wrap RFA for the loggers 3. Incompatible change as three hdfs-site configs are no longer in use, they are to be replaced with log4j properties. Removed them and added a log to indicate that they are now replaced with log4j properties. The configs:    - dfs.namenode.audit.log.async    - dfs.namenode.audit.log.async.blocking    - dfs.namenode.audit.log.async.buffer.size 4. Namenode audit logger as well as datanode/namenode metric loggers now use SLF4J logger rather than log4j logger directly


      Before we can upgrade to log4j2, we need to migrate async appenders that we add "dynamically in the code" to the log4j.properties file. Instead of using core/hdfs site configs, log4j properties or system properties should be used to determine if the given logger should use async appender.




            vjasani Viraj Jasani
            vjasani Viraj Jasani
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