Problem: exception in loading S3A credentials for an FS, "Class class com.amazonaws.auth.EnvironmentVariableCredentialsProvider does not implement AWSCredentialsProvider"
Location: S3A + Spark dataframes test
Hypothesised cause:
Configuration.getClasses() uses the context classloader, and with the spark isolated CL that's different from the one the s3a FS uses, so it can't load AWS credential providers.
Issue Links
- Is contained by
HADOOP-13551 Collect AwsSdkMetrics in S3A FileSystem IOStatistics
- Resolved
- is related to
SPARK-37771 Race condition in withHiveState and limited logic in IsolatedClientLoader result in ClassNotFoundException
- Open
- relates to
SPARK-9206 ClassCastException using HiveContext with GoogleHadoopFileSystem as fs.defaultFS
- Resolved