The C/C++ language standard is not specified in a cross-compiler manner. Even though it's as straight forward as passing -std as compiler arguments, not all the values are supported by all the compilers. For example, compilation with the Visual C++ compiler on Windows with -std=gnu99 flag causes the following warning -
cl : command line warning D9002: ignoring unknown option '-std=gnu99' [Z:\hadoop-hdfs-project\hadoop-hdfs-native-client\target\native\main\native\libhdfs-examples\hdfs_read.vcxproj]
Thus, we need to use the appropriate flags provided by CMake to specify the C/C++ standards so that it is compiler friendly.
Issue Links
- is a child of
HADOOP-17193 Compile Hadoop on Windows natively
- Open
- is related to
HDFS-14394 Add -std=c99 / -std=gnu99 to libhdfs compile flags
- Resolved
- relates to
BIGTOP-3457 Add libhdfspp packages to hadoop
- Resolved
- links to