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  1. Hadoop Common
  2. HADOOP-11238

Update the NameNode's Group Cache in the background when possible




      This patch addresses an issue where the namenode pauses during group resolution by only allowing a single group resolution query on expiry. There are two scenarios:
      1. When there is not yet a value in the cache, all threads which make a request will block while a single thread fetches the value.
      2. When there is already a value in the cache and it is expired, the new value will be fetched in the background while the old value is used by other threads
      This is handled by guava's cache.

      Negative caching is a feature built into the groups cache, and since guava's caches don't support different expiration times, we have a separate negative cache which masks the guava cache: if an element exists in the negative cache and isn't expired, we return it.

      In total the logic for fetching a group is:
      1. If username exists in static cache, return the value (this was already present)
      2. If username exists in negative cache and negative cache is not expired, raise an exception as usual
      3. Otherwise Defer to guava cache (see two scenarios above)

      Original Issue Below:
      Our namenode pauses for 12-60 seconds several times every hour. During these pauses, no new requests can come in.

      Around the time of pauses, we have log messages such as:
      2014-10-22 13:24:22,688 WARN org.apache.hadoop.security.Groups: Potential performance problem: getGroups(user=xxxxx) took 34507 milliseconds.

      The current theory is:
      1. Groups has a cache that is refreshed periodically. Each entry has a cache expiry.
      2. When a cache entry expires, multiple threads can see this expiration and then we have a thundering herd effect where all these threads hit the wire and overwhelm our LDAP servers (we are using ShellBasedUnixGroupsMapping with sssd, how this happens has yet to be established)
      3. group resolution queries begin to take longer, I've observed it taking 1.2 seconds instead of the usual 0.01-0.03 seconds when measuring in the shell `time groups myself`
      4. If there is mutual exclusion somewhere along this path, a 1 second pause could lead to a 60 second pause as all the threads compete for the resource. The exact cause hasn't been established

      Potential solutions include:
      1. Increasing group cache time, which will make the issue less frequent
      2. Rolling evictions of the cache so we prevent the large spike in LDAP queries
      3. Gate the cache refresh so that only one thread is responsible for refreshing the cache


        1. HADOOP-11238.003.patch
          17 kB
          Chris Li
        2. HADOOP-11238.003.patch
          17 kB
          Chris Li
        3. HADOOP-11238.patch
          16 kB
          Chris Li
        4. HADOOP-11238.patch
          15 kB
          Chris Li

        Issue Links



              chrilisf Chris Li
              chrilisf Chris Li
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