The class should be more informative, and possibly fail early when reverse DNS is broken. Right now it is vulnerable to a cryptic ArrayIndex exception.
parts = hostIp.getHostAddress(....) String reverseIp = parts[3] + parts[2] ...
During this patch I think we can also improve a couple other minor logging statements in the net package.
jay vyas
created issue -
jay vyas
made changes -
Field | Original Value | New Value |
Component/s | net [ 12319327 ] |
jay vyas
made changes -
Labels | logging |
jay vyas
made changes -
Parent |
Issue Type | Improvement [ 4 ] | Sub-task [ 7 ] |
Colin McCabe
made changes -
Parent |
Issue Type | Sub-task [ 7 ] | Bug [ 1 ] |
Colin McCabe
made changes -
Parent | HADOOP-11890 [ 12826027 ] | |
Issue Type | Bug [ 1 ] | Sub-task [ 7 ] |
Ashutosh Gupta
made changes -
Assignee | Ashutosh Gupta [ groot ] |
Ashutosh Gupta
made changes -
Assignee | Ashutosh Gupta [ groot ] |
I made this a subtask of
HADOOP-3619because i think probably the logging is an essential component of any patch which aims to fix DNS related stuff in