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  1. Hadoop Common
  2. HADOOP-10211

Enable RPC protocol to negotiate SASL-QOP values between clients and servers



    • Improvement
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 2.2.0
    • 2.4.0
    • security
    • None
    • Reviewed
    • Hide
      The hadoop.rpc.protection configuration property previously supported specifying a single value: one of authentication, integrity or privacy. An unrecognized value was silently assumed to mean authentication. This configuration property now accepts a comma-separated list of any of the 3 values, and unrecognized values are rejected with an error. Existing configurations containing an invalid value must be corrected. If the property is empty or not specified, authentication is assumed.
      The hadoop.rpc.protection configuration property previously supported specifying a single value: one of authentication, integrity or privacy. An unrecognized value was silently assumed to mean authentication. This configuration property now accepts a comma-separated list of any of the 3 values, and unrecognized values are rejected with an error. Existing configurations containing an invalid value must be corrected. If the property is empty or not specified, authentication is assumed.


      SASL allows different types of protection are referred to as the quality of protection (qop). It is negotiated between the client and server during the authentication phase of the SASL exchange. Currently hadoop allows specifying a single QOP value via hadoop.rpc.protection.
      The enhancement enables a user to specify multiple QOP values - authentication, integrity, privacy as a comma separated list via hadoop.rpc.protection
      The client and server can have different set of values for hadoop.rpc.protection and they will negotiate to determine the QOP to be used for communication.


        1. HADOOP-10211.patch
          6 kB
          Benoy Antony
        2. HADOOP-10211.patch
          6 kB
          Benoy Antony
        3. HADOOP-10211.patch
          6 kB
          Benoy Antony
        4. HADOOP-10211.patch
          6 kB
          Benoy Antony
        5. HADOOP-10211.patch
          6 kB
          Benoy Antony
        6. HADOOP-10221.sample
          2 kB
          Daryn Sharp

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              benoyantony Benoy Antony
              benoyantony Benoy Antony
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