The OpenStack/swift filesystem produces incorrect output when the written objects exceed the configured partition size. After job completion, the expected files in the swift container have length == 0 and a collection of temporary files remain with names that appear to be URLs.
This can be replicated with teragen against the minicluster using the following command line:
bin/hadoop jar ./share/hadoop/mapreduce/hadoop-mapreduce-examples-3.0.0-SNAPSHOT.jar teragen 100000 swift://mycontainer.myservice/teradata
Where core-site.xml contains:
Container "mycontainer" should have a collection of objects with names starting with "teradata/part-m-00000". Instead, that file is empty and there is a collection of objects with names like "swift://mycontainer.myservice/teradata/_temporary/0/_temporary/attempt_local415043862_0001_m_000000_0/part-m-00000/000010"