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  1. Guacamole
  2. GUACAMOLE-1951

Improve RemoteApp Handling of Multiple Applications



    • Improvement
    • Status: Open
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • None
    • None
    • RDP
    • None


      The way RemoteApp connections are currently handled by Guacamole fails to take advantage of the fact that multiple applications can be opened with the same RDP connection, and thus causes some less-than-ideal behavior if you, for example, try to open multiple applications on the same RDP server. Currently, Guacamole will attempt a new RDP connection to the same server to launch the application. This can result in:

      • The initial connection being terminated by the RDP server (in the case where the RDP server enforces a single connection per user), OR...
      • ...extra resources being allocated for each login in the case where the RDP server allows users to log in multiple times.
      • The new connection that is opened containing both of the applications that you have launched, but not necessarily activating the correct application (it may be behind another one on the desktop.

      In order to improve Remote App (RAIL) support in Guacamole, we probably need to do a few things:

      • Track connections to a RDP host based on server, port, username, and domain name.
      • Implement a mechanism for safely and securely re-use existing RDP connections to launch additional applications on the same server.
      • Track the RAIL windows open on a given connection, and close down the RDP connection when the last window is closed
      • And probably other things...




            Unassigned Unassigned
            vnick Nick Couchman
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