Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
From jmclean regarding the 0.9.10-incubating (RC2) release vote:
... some files (for instance [1][2]]) contain the text of the GPL license. GPL is Category X and is not allowed as a dependancy (unless it’s an optional component or build tools like autoconf in the sever artefact). I think this may be is OK as the software in question is dual license but if that is the case you should just include the text of the license you wish it to be licensed under no the text of both licenses. Can you please fix this in the next release.
1. ./guacamole/src/licenses/bundled/jaxb-impl-2.2.3-1/License.txt
2. ./guacamole/src/licenses/bundled/jersey-1.17.1/license.html
Assuming it is legal to do so, the license text of bundled dependencies which are dual-licensed CDDL+GPL should be modified to specify only the licenses which actually apply to Guacamole (in this case the CDDL).