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  1. Groovy
  2. GROOVY-9159

[GEP] Support LINQ, aka GINQ



    • New Feature
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 4.0.0-beta-1
    • None


      Ⅰ. Background

      In order to make querying different types of data sources convenient, we need a unified querying interface, i.e. GINQ

      Ⅱ. Solution

      Basic rationale

      Groovy User ==writes GINQ code==> Parrot Parser ==generates AST==> GINQ Transformation ==transforms AST to Queryable method invocations==> Bytecode Writer

      transforms AST to Queryable method invocations will be designed for different cases

      1. target objects are all collections
        Queryable method invocations are implemented by Java 8+ stream method invocations
      2. target objects are all DB related objects
        Queryable method invocations are implemented by JOOQ method invocations( https://github.com/jOOQ/jOOQ ) as a GINQ provider in a seperate sub-project(e.g. groovy-linq-jooq). Note: JOOQ is licensed under APL2 too( https://github.com/jOOQ/jOOQ/blob/master/LICENSE )
      3. target objects are XML, CSV, etc. related objects, or even mixed types of objects
        We can treate the case as a special sub-case of case 1

      Interfaces & implementations


      1. The exact syntax might be altered before introduction, currently working on the general principle.
      2.GINQ will reuse most of standard SQL syntax, which can make the learning curve smooth and avoid infringing the patent of Microsoft.
      3. All GINQ related keywords are real keywords, e.g. from, where, select, which is the approach applied by C#. In order to avoid breaking existing source code as possible as we can, we should add the new keywords to identifiers.
      4. In order to support type inference better, select clause is placed at the end of GINQ expression.
      5. select P1, P2 ... Pn is a simplifed syntax of select Tuple.tuple(P1, P2 ... Pn) and will create a List of Tuple sub-class instances when and only when n >= 2

      Ⅲ. EBNF


      Ⅳ. Examples

      1. Filtering

      class Person {
      	String name
      	int age
      def persons = [new Person(name: 'Daniel', age: 35), new Person(name: 'Peter', age: 10), new Person(name: 'Alice', age: 22)]


      def result =
      	from persons p
      	where p.age > 15 && p.age <= 35
      	select p.name
      assert ['Daniel', 'Alice'] == result
      // interface
      from(persons).where(p -> p.age > 15 && p.age <= 35).select(p -> p.name).toList()
      // collection implementation
      persons.stream().filter(p -> p.age > 15 && p.age <= 35).map(p -> p.name).collect(Collectors.toList())


      def result =
      	from persons p
      	where p.age > 15 && p.age <= 35
      	select p
      assert [new Person(name: 'Daniel', age: 35), new Person(name: 'Alice', age: 22)] == result
      // interface
      from(persons).where(p -> p.age > 15 && p.age <= 35).select(p -> p).toList()
      // collection implementation
      persons.stream().filter(p -> p.age > 15 && p.age <= 35).collect(Collectors.toList())


      def numbers = [1, 2, 3]
      def result =
      	from numbers t
      	where t <= 2
      	select t
      assert [1, 2] == result
      // interface
      from(numbers).where(t -> t <= 2).select(t -> t).toList()
      // collection implementation
      numbers.stream().filter(t -> t <= 2).collect(Collectors.toList())

      2. Joining

      import static groovy.lang.Tuple.*
      class Person {
      	String name
      	int age
      	City city
      class City {
      	String name
      def persons = [new Person(name: 'Daniel', age: 35, city: new City(name: 'Shanghai')), new Person(name: 'Peter', age: 10, city: new City(name: 'Beijing')), new Person(name: 'Alice', age: 22, city: new City(name: 'Hangzhou'))]
      def cities = [new City(name: 'Shanghai'), new City(name: 'Beijing'), new City(name: 'Guangzhou')]


      // inner join
      def result =
      	from persons p 
      	innerjoin cities c on p.city.name == c.name
      	select p.name, c.name
      assert [tuple('Daniel', 'Shanghai'), tuple('Peter', 'Beijing')] == result
      // interface
      from(persons).innerJoin(from(cities), (p, c) -> p.city.name == c.name).select((p, c) -> tuple(p.name, c.name)).toList()
      // collection implementation
      	.flatMap(p -> cities.stream().filter(c -> p.city.name == c.name).map(c -> tuple(p.name, c.name)))


      def result =
      	from persons p
      	innerjoin cities c on p.city == c
      	select p.name
      assert ['Daniel', 'Peter'] == result
      // interface
      from(persons).innerJoin(from(cities), (p, c) -> p.city == c).select((p, c) -> p.name).toList()
      // collection implementation
      	.flatMap(p -> cities.stream().filter(c -> p.city == c).map(c -> p.name))


      // left outer join
      def result =
      	from persons p 
      	leftjoin cities c on p.city.name == c.name //  same with left outer join
      	select p.name, c.name
      assert [tuple('Daniel', 'Shanghai'), tuple('Peter', 'Beijing'), tuple('Alice', null)] == result
      // interface
      from(persons).leftjoin(from(cities), (p, c) -> p.city.name == c.name).select((p, c) -> tuple(p.name, c.name)).toList()
      // collection implementation
          .flatMap(p -> 
                  .map(c -> p.city.name == c.name ? c : GinqConstant.NULL)
                  .reduce(new LinkedList(), (r, e) -> {
                      int size = r.size()
                      if (0 == size) {
                          return r
                      int lastIndex = size - 1
                      Object lastElement = r.get(lastIndex)
                      if (GinqConstant.NULL != e) {
                          if (GinqConstant.NULL == lastElement) {
                              r.set(lastIndex, e)
                          } else {
                      return r
                      .map(c -> Tuple.tuple(p.name, GinqConstant.NULL == c ? GinqConstant.NULL : c.name)))


      // right outer join
      def result =
      	from persons p 
      	rightjoin cities c on p.city.name == c.name //  same with right outer join
      	select p.name, c.name
      assert [tuple('Daniel', 'Shanghai'), tuple('Peter', 'Beijing'), tuple(null, 'Guangzhou')] == result

      3. Projection

      import static groovy.lang.Tuple.*
      class Person {
      	String name
      	int age
      def persons = [new Person(name: 'Daniel', age: 35), new Person(name: 'Peter', age: 10), new Person(name: 'Alice', age: 22)]


      def result =
      	from persons p
      	select p.name
      assert ['Daniel', 'Peter', 'Alice'] == result


      def result =
      	from persons p
      	select p.name, p.age
      assert [tuple('Daniel', 35), tuple('Peter', 10), tuple('Alice', 22)] == result


      def result =
      	from persons p
      	select [name: p.name, age: p.age]
      assert [ [name: 'Daniel', age: 35], [name: 'Peter', age: 10], [name: 'Alice', age: 22] ] == result


      def result =
      	from persons p
      	select new Person(name: p.name, age: p.age)
      assert persons == result


      def result =
      	from persons p
      	select p
      assert persons == result

      4. Grouping

      import static groovy.lang.Tuple.*
      class Person {
      	String name
      	int age
      	String gender
      def persons = [new Person(name: 'Daniel', age: 35, gender: 'Male'), new Person(name: 'Peter', age: 10, gender: 'Male'), new Person(name: 'Alice', age: 22, gender: 'Female')]


      def result =
      	from persons p
      	groupby p.gender
      	select p.gender, max(p.age)
      assert [tuple('Male', 35), tuple('Female', 22)] == result

      5. Having

      import static groovy.lang.Tuple.*
      class Person {
      	String name
      	int age
      	String gender
      def persons = [new Person(name: 'Daniel', age: 35, gender: 'Male'), new Person(name: 'Peter', age: 10, gender: 'Male'), new Person(name: 'Alice', age: 22, gender: 'Female')]


      def result =
      	from persons p
      	groupby p.gender
      	having p.gender == 'Male'
      	select p.gender, max(p.age)
      assert [tuple('Male', 35)] == result

      6. Sorting

      class Person {
      	String name
      	int age
      def persons = [new Person(name: 'Daniel', age: 35), new Person(name: 'Peter', age: 10), new Person(name: 'Alice', age: 22)]


      def result =
      	from persons p
      	orderby p.age
      	select p.name
      assert ['Peter', 'Alice', 'Daniel'] == result


      def result =
      	from persons p
      	orderby p.age desc
      	select p.name
      assert ['Daniel', 'Alice', 'Peter'] == result

      7. Pagination

      def numbers = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]


      def result =
      	from numbers n
      	limit 2, 5
      	select n
      assert [2, 3, 4, 5, 6] == result


      def result =
      	from numbers n
      	limit 5
      	select n
      assert [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] == result

      8. Nested Queries

      def numbers = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]


      def result =
      	from (
      		from numbers n
      		where n <= 5
      		select n
      	) v
      	limit 2, 5
      	select v
      assert [2, 3, 4, 5] == result

      9. WITH-Clause

      def numbers = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]


      def result =
      	with v as (
      		from numbers n
      		where n <= 5
      		select n
      	from v
      	limit 2, 5
      	select v
      assert [2, 3, 4, 5] == result

      10. Union

      def numbers1 = [0, 1, 2]
      def numbers2 = [2, 3, 4]


      def result =
      	from numbers1 n
      	select n
      	from numbers2 n
      	select n
      assert [0, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4] == result


      def result =
      	from numbers1 n
      	select n
      	from numbers2 n
      	select n
      assert [0, 1, 2, 3, 4] == result


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              daniel_sun Daniel Sun
              daniel_sun Daniel Sun
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