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  1. Groovy
  2. GROOVY-7433

API inconsistency between takeWhile, dropWhile and collectReplacements for CharSequences




      When treating Strings as an iterable collection of characters, Groovy provides each character as a String of size 1, e.g.:

      assert "hello".toList() == ['h', 'e', 'l', 'l', 'o']
      assert "hello".toList()[0].class.name == 'java.lang.String'
      "hello".each {
        assert it instanceof String

      There are just 3 methods where this isn't the case:
      takeWhile, dropWhile and collectReplacements.
      These methods supply a Character instead, e.g.:

      assert "he" == "hello".takeWhile {
        assert it instanceof Character
        it != 'l'

      This issue is to fix this inconsistency. This is a breaking change but of low impact:

      • Most expressions within the closure such as it != 'A' or it < 'B' will produce the same results regardless of whether a String or character is passed in.
      • Expressions using methods from the String class would have needed an "as String" or ".toString()" coercion/conversion. These will still work unchanged but the coercion will no longer be required.(Which aligns them with the expressions for all other String iteration methods.)
      • Closures with an explicit String arg currently don't work but would work after the change.
      • Closures making use of instance methods from the Character class are breaking but those methods are "charValue()" and "compareTo(Character anotherCharacter)" and are likely rarely used (there use would be non-idiomatic Groovy).

      In any case, I propose supporting the detection of supplied Closures having a char or Character argument in which case the char would be passed in as now. This would make fixing the break trivial for those cases.


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              paulk Paul King
              paulk Paul King
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