When starting and creating our help with groovydoc within a gradle build we got the following exception:
groovy.lang.ReadOnlyPropertyException: Cannot set readonly property: comparator for class: java.util.TreeMap
As a result no index-all.html file is generated, so we have no index and overview at all.
=> Stacktrace is attached
Gradle code:
def javaDocForHelp = task javadocForHelp(type: JavaExec, group:"documentation") { description = "This creates the documentation of the facade classes from the XYZ engine" // beware, the Groovydoc tool behaves strangely in some cases; e.g. if you change the order // of arguments or make a mistake, it might silently fail or ignore some parameters // for an explanation of the parameters, enter "groovydoc -help" on the command line def scriptingEngineSourceDirs = project(":XYZ-engine").sourceSets.main.groovy.srcDirs scriptingEngineSourceDirs.each { inputs.dir(it) } ext.javadocDir = new File(docDir, "javadoc") outputs.dir(javadocDir) classpath configurations.compile.files main = "" args "-sourcepath", scriptingEngineSourceDirs.join(File.pathSeparator) args "-d", javadocDir.path // packages args "XYZ.scripting.facade" args "" args "XYZ.scripting.facade.structure" args "XYZ.utils" doFirst { javadocDir.mkdirs() } }