Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
1.0, 1.1-beta-3, 1.1-rc-1, 1.1-rc-2, 1.1-rc-3
Tested Linux jdk1.5.0_13, 1.6.0_03, 1.6.0_10
b=new B(42) println "finally, intA=$b.intA, strA=$b.strA" println " intB=$b.intB, strB=$b.strB" class A { int intA String strA A(int a) { intA=a strA=intA as String println "in A.<init> intA=$intA strA=$strA" config() } void config() { println "in A.config intA=$intA strA=$strA" } } class B extends A{ int intB String strB B(int a) { super(a) println "in B.<init> intB=$intB strB=$strB" } void config() { super.config() intB=intA-1 strB=intB as String println "in B.config intB=$intB strB=$strB" } }
The output is as follows:
in A.<init> intA=42 strA=42
in A.config intA=42 strA=42
in B.config intB=41 strB=41
in B.<init> intB=0 strB=41
finally, intA=42, strA=42
intB=0, strB=41
As pointed out already:
> calling a virtual config from a ctor seems a bit strange, but it seems to work in java. it may be a boxing issue. decompiling B.class, the ctor has:
> Integer integer = new Integer(0);
> integer;
> intB = DefaultTypeTransformation.intUnbox(integer);
> in it after the call to super.
So I would state this as a bug. Rather major in my opinion, either.