Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Windows XP
Eclipse Europa 3.3 & command line groovy
D:\Profiles\Adam\Desktop\Delegate Test>groovy -v
Groovy Version: 1.1-rc-1 JVM: 1.6.0_03-b05
I was attempting to create a custom delegate class for a third party library. Researching this, I found the following page:
When I tried to follow the "Package Name Convention Solution", by creating a FuzzyVariableMetaClass file in groovy.runtime.metaclass.ncr.fuzzyj.FuzzyVariableMetaClass, I got a java.lang.StackOverflowError. This was with no inherited methods. I only created the shell of the class and constructor.
As a test, I followed the instructions on the page, creating a StringMetaClass as documented on the page. This also gave me the java.lang.StackOverflowError. When I ran this in the Eclipse debugger, the problem appears to occur during the groovy.lang.MetaClassRegistry$MetaClassCreationHandle.create(Class theClass, MetaClassRegistry registry) call.
Specifically, this method does the following
final Class customMetaClass = Class.forName("groovy.runtime.metaclass." + theClass.getName() + "MetaClass");
final Constructor customMetaClassConstructor = customMetaClass.getConstructor(new Class[]
return (MetaClass)customMetaClassConstructor.newInstance(new Object[]
This calls the constructor on the new MetaClass we are creating, which calls DelegateMetaClass's constructor, which calls GroovySystem.getMetaClassRegistry().getMetaClass(...), which calls getMetaClassFor(theClass), which calls metaClassCreationHandle.create(theClass, this), completing the infinite loop.
I have NOT tested this under Groovy 1.0. But I imagine it worked then since the webpage has not been updated since Jan 28, 2007.
I also ran into issues when I tried the "InvokeHelper Solution " on the same page. Those errors were different and will be entered as a separate bug.