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  1. Apache Gora
  2. GORA-191 Support multiple Avro Schemas within GoraCompiler
  3. GORA-265

Support for dynamic file extensions when traversing a directory



    • Sub-task
    • Status: Closed
    • Minor
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 0.3
    • 0.4
    • gora-core
    • None


      Currently, the GoraCompiler is able to compile avro schemas with 2 ways:
      1) specify the file directly. This way the GoraCompiler will generate data beans based on the specified avro scheme. For example: bin/gora goracompiler gora-core/src/examples/avro/webpage.json gora-core/src/examples/java.

      2) specify a directory. This way the GoraCompiler will generate data beans based on all the avro schemes which are inside the specified directory. For example: bin/gora goracompiler gora-core/src/examples/avro/ gora-core/src/examples/java


      • in the 1st case, the user can specify ANY file extension. It could be webpage.json or webpage.avsc or webpage.foo.
      • in the 2nd case, the user specifies the directory BUT ONLY the files with extension .avsc will be processed.
        Also note that the example avro schemes that are distributed with the current Gora release have .json extension. So, if a user executes:
        bin/gora goracompiler gora-core/src/examples/avro/webpage.json gora-core/src/examples/java
        then no data beans are generated, because the GoraCompiler looks only for .avsc files. This is clearly counterintuitive.

      I suggest to add support so that the default will still be to look only for .avsc files. However, the user would have the option to specify the extension he/she wants, by executing the following:
      bin/gora goracompiler gora-core/src/examples/avro/*.json gora-core/src/examples/java.
      Note the *.json. This would be dynamic. Therefore, the user could specify and file extension he/she would like.

      What is your opinion? I would appreciate your feedback on this. If you agree, I can proceed with a patch for this.


        1. GORA-265.patch
          7 kB
          Apostolos Giannakidis



            ap.giannakidis Apostolos Giannakidis
            ap.giannakidis Apostolos Giannakidis
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