New Feature
Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
In Gobblin streaming, the Avro to ORC converter and writer constantly face OOM issues when the record sizes are large due to large arrays or maps.
Since streaming pipelines are run indefinitely*, static configurations are usually insufficient to handle varying sizes of data, the converter buffers, increases in partitions, etc. This causes pipelines to often stall and make no progress if the incoming data size is increased beyond the memory limits of the container.
We want to implement a bufferedORCWriter, which utilizes many of the same components as the current ORC Writer, except that the batchSize is adaptable to larger record sizes and takes into the account of the memory available to the JVM to avoid OOM issues as well as the memory the converter uses, and the number of partitioned writers. This should be enabled only by a configuration, and have knobs available so that one can increase the sensitivity and the performance of this writer.
Future improvements include improving the converter to use up less unused memory every resize, and more accurate estimations done for memory usage in the orc writer.