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  1. Geronimo
  2. GERONIMO-1111

Use Trifork CORBA (freeorb)



    • New Feature
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • 1.2
    • None
    • CORBA
    • Security Level: public (Regular issues)
    • None
    • Patch Available


      As has been discussed previously, Trifork wants to donate a CORBA implementation. This message is to get things really started in context of Geronimo. Along with this message is a tar ball of the initial contribution, and I want to take this opportunity to describe what we are donating and how we would like to do this.

      To set things straight, will not be donating a full CORBA implementation up front. What we are proposing is to donate the resources (read: developers) that it takes to do a full CORBA implementation in context of Apache Geronimo. Our concern with donating the full code is that we want to ensure that this is built as a community effort, so when we're done we are not the "single point of failure" for this to succeed as we go forward. We would like to avoid being the only ones to know the code, so that the CORBA implementation that comes out of this is something that can have a life without us pushing it forward. This is really the principal value that we see in contributing to this project. We want to have a free and independent CORBA implementation too, but we would like to avoid being stuck on it as we go forward.

      Having said all that, we do have a CORBA implementation; and in our effort to bring this forward we will definitively use bits, pieces or even large chunks of this to make the Apache Geronimo CORBA implementation be complete and successful.

      We know that there is eagerness in the Geronimo community to get things started in building a CORBA solution, and so hopefully this first contribution will be accepted as a starting point from which we will build a world-class CORBA system.

      What is in this package is the foundation of a new I/O subsystem that I have previously talked about, and some of the code to hook that up with the client-side of the CORBA stack. As such, thins chunk of code is not in even self-contained nor complete. It's just the state of the code in our lab right now, and we want to move this into Geronimo space before we get too far along.

      The mile stones that I imagine moving forward from here would be something like this:

      1. Client-side stream-based invocation.
      2. Value semantics (object serialization)
      3. Server-side stream-based invocation handling, including POA implementation.
      4. Dynamic stubs.
      5. Local invocations.

      There are a ton of sub-projects that I would love to see someone starting on; some of which already have place holders or stubs in the code that is part of the tar ball attached to this.


        1. freeorb-contrib.tgz
          61 kB
          Kresten Krab Thorup
        2. build.xml
          6 kB
          Kresten Krab Thorup
        3. corbaidl.tgz
          37 kB
          Kresten Krab Thorup
        4. corba-diff-krab-31oct05.diff
          45 kB
          Kresten Krab Thorup
        There are no Sub-Tasks for this issue.



            maguro Alan Cabrera
            krab Kresten Krab Thorup
            0 Vote for this issue
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