Status: Resolved
Resolution: Workaround
In our use case we have two locators that are initially configured with IP addresses, but AutoConnectionSourceImpl.UpdateLocatorList() flow keeps on adding their corresponding host names to the locators list, while these host names are not resolvable.
Later in AutoConnectionSourceImpl.queryLocators(), whenever a client tries to use such non resolvable host name to connect to a locator it tries to establish a connection to socketaddr=, as written in SocketCreator.connect(). Which seems strange.
Then, if there is no locator running on the same host, the next locator in the list is contacted, until reaching a locator contact configured with IP address - which succeeds eventually.
But, when there happens to be a locator listening on the same host, then we have a null pointer exception in the second line below, because inetadd=null
socket.connect(sockaddr, Math.max(timeout, 0)); // sockaddr=, connects to a locator listening on the same host
configureClientSSLSocket(socket, inetadd.getHostName(), timeout); // inetadd = null
As a result, the cluster comes to a failed state, unable to recover.