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  1. Apache Gearpump
  2. GEARPUMP-356

Launch of Gearpump on Hadoop/Yarn not possible if cluster protected by firewall



    • Bug
    • Status: Open
    • Major
    • Resolution: Unresolved
    • 0.8.4
    • 0.8.4
    • hadoop, security, yarn
    • None


      Launching Gearpump on a Hadoop/Yarn cluster protected by a firewall from an edge node outside of the cluster communication will fail.
      When launching Gearpump / submitting a Gearpump application the client side residing on the above mentioned edge node has to establish communication with 4 components:

      1. the YarnAppMaster in order to be able to retrieve/resolve an active configuration file (via tcp)
      2. the Gearpump master(s) (via tcp)
      3. the JarStoreServer (via http) to transmit the application jar file to be submitted
      4. the Gearpump AppMaster of the respective gearpump application to be submitted to send in tasks/requests (via tcp)

      In all four cases the ports used by the above mentioned components have to be open, otherwise communication will fail.
      Currently the config parameter "akka.remote.netty.tcp.port" is set to 0, meaning that all ports assigned for an actorsystem defined in Gearpump are random and can be anything between 1024-65535
      There is no configuration based way to set the a fixed port in the above four cases.




            Unassigned Unassigned
            Timea Magyar Timea Magyar
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