When trying to launch a Gearpump cluster in a kerberized Hadoop/Yarn environment, after the Application Master address has been resolved as a prerequisite, the YarnAppMaster (responsible for starting GearPump masters, workers, UI servers as Yarn containers) address (actor reference) must be obtained via Kerberos/Spnego. (Kerberos over http)
The current implementation for this resides in the AppMasterResolver class and is using an apache http client (version 3.x) for establishing a connection to the Application Master and obtain the above YarnAppMaster actor reference. Since the apache http client does not support the negotiate authentication scheme in version 3.x (required for a connection over kerberos/spnego) this step will always fail in a kerberized Yarn/Hadoop cluster set-up.
I tested this in a secured/kerberized CDH 5.7.5 environment. I would like to provide a patch for this by adapting the SPNEGO-enabled Hadoop web connection code from WebHDFS.
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