Status: Closed
Resolution: Implemented
The objects I feed to FreeMarker often cotain {{Iterator}}s rather than {{Collection}}s.
While it's quite easy to write a FreeMarker function iteratorToList(Iterator), it would be convenient to have the following:
A built-in that would convert various models to a sequence. Could be named ?seq or ?sequence.
<#assign foo = myIterable?seq>
<#assign foo = myIterator?seq>
- A sequence would stay intact.
- An Iterable wrapped in FM model would become internally a List - all elements consumed and stored.
For me, other cases are not that important, but with some imagination, other models could also leverage it, like, - A Stream could be also turned into a List.
- A hash could turn into a sequence of key/value pairs. That could be useful for debugging purposes.
I am not sure if I didn't propose that already, but I could only find FREEMARKER-62.
Thanks for considering.