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  1. Apache Freemarker

FreeMarker Generator release preparations



    • Task
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
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      From ddekany@freemail.hu

      I said I will help in the Apache release process, so only focusing on that,
      so some points:
        - We are required to have a so-called source release (every other
        artifact is optional in the policy). As we are using the org.apache:apache
        parent, that should generate that automatically, with .asc and sha512 and
        all. But currently it doesn't, because maven-release-plugin config/argument
        is overwritten with this: <arguments>-Dmaven.javadoc.skip=true</arguments>.
        We should keep configuring release at minimum, to avoid such accidents.
        Maybe as in
        - I assume we also want a binary release, for the CLI only, and
        freemarker-generator-cli-x.y.z-*app*.zip (note the "-app") will be our
        binary release artifact. Then:
        - It bundles some dependency binaries that are not under ASL2 license.
           Unfortunately, the licenses of those must be included in the
           See the LICENSE at
           https://github.com/apache/freemarker-docgen/blob/master/LICENSE. At
           the bottom, it lists the licenses, then it refers to the actual license
           files. As we will have many licenses, let's create a "licenses" directory
           for them. (In the future, the dependencies have to be checked
      for changes.
           Even version upgrades my pull in sneaky transient dependencies. Some
           licenses are not even allowed, so anything but ASL2, MIT,
           BSD-without-advertisement-clause, will need closer attention.)
           - I noticed that the documentation is not included in the binary
           distribution. But because of the extra legal burden including it would
           bring (we have fonts and icons under CC-SA and SIL OFL in the Docgen
           output), I actually prefer that to stay like that.
           - .sha512 file is not yet generated
        - freemarker-generator-cli/src/site: If you agree, instead of this I
        will create freemarker-generator*-site*/src/docgen, and convert the
        Markdown to XDocBook. For now this will be only the CLI documentation, and
        the JavaDoc, as the freemarker-generator-maven-plugin is not ready. One
        annoyance I realized is that we should have Docgen in Maven Central for the
        builds to work reliably in the future, which means that Docgen has to be
        officially released (it never was, it's an internal tool). That would be a
        minimalistic release, means, no announcement, no web site, just the bare
        minimum (i.e., source release, and deployment to Maven Central). I have
        some backlog there (Google keeps nagging me about mobile issues), but I
        hope I can fix that in the coming days, then go through the official
        release process (takes 1-2 weeks).
        - Some smaller things:
           - Having a "release" profile is also hopefully unnecessary, because
           org.apache:apache takes care of signing.
           - We should also remove most plugin version management, as many of
           those versions are set in org.apache:apache.
           - freemarker-generator-cli/templates should be inside
           freemarker-generator-cli/src/main/templates, I guess.
      P.s.: Siegfired asked our opinions in another thread. I did my part, even
      too much (;, so, would be good if others participate in that as well.
      Best regards,
      Daniel Dekany


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