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  1. FOP
  2. FOP-3136

FOP PDF Images - Some PDFs produce Error in Acrobat Reader



    • Bug
    • Status: Resolved
    • Major
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • None
    • 2.9
    • None
    • None


      Including some PDFs as external-document results in a PDF that produces an error in Acrobat Reader (but not in Chrome!). The error message reads "There was an error processing a page. There was a problem reading this document (18)." and after Ctrl-click on OK "Expected a name object." is added. No page is visible.

      The issue can be traced back to FOP PDF Images and exists in all its versions >=2.6. Versions 2.5 and lower produce results that work.

      While the original PDFs do have some issues when checked with a tool like pdfcpu, others with similar issues don't produce the same error. The originals can be opened by Adobe Reader without a problem.

      No ERROR or WARNING is logged. Searching on Google / Jira / the mailing list did not produce comparable problems.

      Due to the fact that I get the copyrighted PDFs as-is by the customer, I don't have much freedom in either changing them to work around the problems, or provide too many examples.

      Windows 10.0.19045 Build 19045
      Java 17
      FOP 2.8
      PDFBox 2.0.28
      PDF Images 2.8

      (Included are three example documents with their respective results.)


        1. sourceC.pdf
          363 kB
          Rafael Witak
        2. sourceB.pdf
          2.80 MB
          Rafael Witak
        3. sourceA.pdf
          287 kB
          Rafael Witak
        4. softmask-min.pdf
          5 kB
          Dave Roxburgh
        5. softmask.pdf
          287 kB
          Dave Roxburgh
        6. resultC.pdf
          472 kB
          Rafael Witak
        7. resultB.pdf
          2.88 MB
          Rafael Witak
        8. resultA.pdf
          295 kB
          Rafael Witak
        9. p5.patch
          8 kB
          Dave Roxburgh
        10. p4.patch
          7 kB
          Dave Roxburgh



            ssteiner Simon Steiner
            apatecwitak Rafael Witak
            0 Vote for this issue
            3 Start watching this issue

