When use CDC with newly added table, an error occurs:
The assigner is not ready to offer finished split information, this should not be called.
It's because:
1. when stop then restart the job , the status is NEWLY_ADDED_ASSIGNING_SNAPSHOT_FINISHED.
2. Then Enumerator will send each reader with
BinlogSplitUpdateRequestEvent to update binlog. (see org.apache.flink.cdc.connectors.mysql.source.enumerator.MySqlSourceEnumerator#syncWithReaders).
3. The Reader will suspend binlog reader then send BinlogSplitMetaRequestEvent to Enumerator.
4. The Enumerator found that some tables are not sent, an error will occur
private void sendBinlogMeta(int subTask, BinlogSplitMetaRequestEvent requestEvent) { // initialize once if (binlogSplitMeta == null) { final List<FinishedSnapshotSplitInfo> finishedSnapshotSplitInfos = splitAssigner.getFinishedSplitInfos(); if (finishedSnapshotSplitInfos.isEmpty()) { LOG.error( "The assigner offers empty finished split information, this should not happen"); throw new FlinkRuntimeException( "The assigner offers empty finished split information, this should not happen"); } binlogSplitMeta = Lists.partition( finishedSnapshotSplitInfos, sourceConfig.getSplitMetaGroupSize()); } }