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  1. Flink
  2. FLINK-3519

Subclasses of Tuples don't work if the declared type of a DataSet is not the descendant




      If I have a subclass of TupleN, then objects of this type will turn into TupleNs when I try to use them in a DataSet<TupleN>.

      For example, if I have a class like this:

      public static class Foo extends Tuple1<Integer> {
      	public short a;
      	public Foo() {}
      	public Foo(int f0, int a) {
      		this.f0 = f0;
      		this.a = (short)a;
      	public String toString() {
      		return "(" + f0 + ", " + a + ")";

      And then I do this:

      env.fromElements(0,0,0).map(new MapFunction<Integer, Tuple1<Integer>>() {
      	public Tuple1<Integer> map(Integer value) throws Exception {
      		return new Foo(5, 6);

      Then I don't have Foos in the output, but only Tuples:


      The problem is caused by the TupleSerializer not caring about subclasses at all. I guess the reason for this is performance: we don't want to deal with writing and reading subclass tags when we have Tuples.

      I see three options for solving this:
      1. Add subclass tags to the TupleSerializer: This is not really an option, because we don't want to loose performance.
      2. Document this behavior in the javadoc of the Tuple classes.
      3. Make the Tuple types final: this would be the clean solution, but it is API breaking, and the first victim would be Gelly: the Vertex and Edge types extend from tuples. (Note that the issue doesn't appear there, because the DataSets there always have the type of the descendant class.)

      When deciding between 2. and 3., an important point to note is that if you have your class extend from a Tuple type instead of just adding the f0, f1, ... fields manually in the hopes of getting the performance boost associated with Tuples, then you are out of luck: the PojoSerializer will kick in anyway when the declared types of your DataSets are the descendant type.

      If someone knows about a good reason to extend from a Tuple class, then please comment.

      For 2., this is a suggested wording for the javadoc of the Tuple classes:
      Warning: Please don't subclass Tuple classes, but if you do, then be sure to always declare the element type of your DataSets to your descendant type. (That is, if you have a "class A extends Tuple2", then don't use instances of A in a DataSet<Tuple2>, but use DataSet<A>.)




            ggevay Gábor Gévay
            ggevay Gábor Gévay
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