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  1. Flink
  2. FLINK-33734

Merge unaligned checkpoint state handle





      Unaligned checkpoint will write the inflight-data of all InputChannel and ResultSubpartition of the same subtask to the same file during checkpoint. The InputChannelStateHandle and ResultSubpartitionStateHandle organize the metadata of inflight-data at the channel granularity, which causes the file name to be repeated many times. When a job is under backpressure and task parallelism is high, the metadata of unaligned checkpoints will bloat. This will result in:

      1. The amount of data reported by taskmanager to jobmanager increases, and jobmanager takes longer to process these RPC requests.
      2. The metadata of the entire checkpoint becomes very large, and it takes longer to serialize and write it to dfs.

      Both of the above points ultimately lead to longer checkpoint duration.

      A Production example

      Take our production job with a parallelism of 4800 as an example:

      1. When there is no back pressure, checkpoint end-to-end duration is within 7 seconds.
      2. When under pressure: checkpoint end-to-end duration often exceeds 1 minute. We found that jobmanager took more than 40 seconds to process rpc requests, and serialized metadata took more than 20 seconds.Some checkpoint statistics:
        metadata file size 950 MB
        channel state count 12,229,854
        channel file count 5536

      Of the 950MB in the metadata file, 68% are redundant file paths.

      We enabled log-based checkpoint on this job and hoped that the checkpoint could be completed within 30 seconds. This problem made it difficult to achieve this goal.

      Propose changes

      I suggest introducing MergedInputChannelStateHandle and MergedResultSubpartitionStateHandle to eliminate redundant file paths.

      The taskmanager merges all InputChannelStateHandles with the same delegated StreamStateHandle in the same subtask into one MergedInputChannelStateHandle before reporting. When recovering from checkpoint, jobmangager converts MergedInputChannelStateHandle to InputChannelStateHandle collection before assigning state handle, and the rest of the process does not need to be changed. 

      Structure of MergedInputChannelStateHandle :


      {   // MergedInputChannelStateHandle
          "delegate": {
              "filePath": "viewfs://hadoop-meituan/flink-yg15/checkpoints/retained/1234567/ab8d0c2f02a47586490b15e7a2c30555/chk-31/ffe54c0a-9b6e-4724-aae7-61b96bf8b1cf",
              "stateSize": 123456
          "size": 2000,
          "channels": [ // One InputChannel per element
                  "info": {
                      "gateIdx": 0,
                      "inputChannelIdx": 0
                  "offsets": [
                  "size": 1400
                  "info": {
                      "gateIdx": 0,
                      "inputChannelIdx": 1
                  "offsets": [
                  "size": 600

      MergedResultSubpartitionStateHandle is similar.



      WDYT roman , pnowojski , fanrui ?


        1. flamegraph.control-group.html
          869 kB
          Feifan Wang
        2. flamegraph.merge-handle-and-serialize-on-tm.html
          617 kB
          Feifan Wang
        3. flamegraph.only-merge-handle.html
          657 kB
          Feifan Wang
        4. image-2024-02-18-15-12-20-665.png
          308 kB
          Feifan Wang

        Issue Links



              Feifan Wang Feifan Wang
              Feifan Wang Feifan Wang
              0 Vote for this issue
              6 Start watching this issue

