Status: Closed
Resolution: Duplicate
On a scaling-out operation, when nodes are added at different times, AdaptiveScheduler does multiple restarts within a short period of time. On one of our Flink jobs, we have seen AdaptiveScheduler restart the ExecutionGraph every time there is a notification of new resources to it. There are five restarts within 3 minutes.
AdaptiveScheduler could provide a configurable restart window interval to the user during which it combines the notified resources and restarts once when the available resources are sufficient to fit the desired parallelism or when the window times out. The window is created during the first notification of resources received. This is applicable only when the execution graph is in the executing state and not in the waiting for resources state.
[root@ip-1-2-3-4 container_1688034805200_0002_01_000001]# grep -i scale * jobmanager.log:2023-06-29 10:46:58,061 INFO org.apache.flink.runtime.scheduler.adaptive.AdaptiveScheduler [] - New resources are available. Restarting job to scale up. jobmanager.log:2023-06-29 10:47:57,317 INFO org.apache.flink.runtime.scheduler.adaptive.AdaptiveScheduler [] - New resources are available. Restarting job to scale up. jobmanager.log:2023-06-29 10:48:53,314 INFO org.apache.flink.runtime.scheduler.adaptive.AdaptiveScheduler [] - New resources are available. Restarting job to scale up. jobmanager.log:2023-06-29 10:49:27,821 INFO org.apache.flink.runtime.scheduler.adaptive.AdaptiveScheduler [] - New resources are available. Restarting job to scale up. jobmanager.log:2023-06-29 10:50:15,672 INFO org.apache.flink.runtime.scheduler.adaptive.AdaptiveScheduler [] - New resources are available. Restarting job to scale up. [root@ip-1-2-3-4 container_1688034805200_0002_01_000001]#
Issue Links
- duplicates
FLINK-21883 Introduce cooldown period into adaptive scheduler
- Resolved