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  2. FLINK-32206

ModuleNotFoundError for Pyflink.table.descriptors wheel version mismatch

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      I have problem with some apache-flink modules. I am running a 1.17.0 apache- flink and I write test codes in Colab I faced a problem on importing Kafka, Json and FileSystem  modules 
      from pyflink.table.descriptors import Schema, Kafka, Json, Rowtime 
      from pyflink.table.catalog import FileSystem 
      not working for me (python version 3.10) 
      Any help is highly appreciated the strange is that other modules importing fine.  I checked with your Github but didn't find these on official version too which means modules are not inside the descriptor.py in newer version. 
      Please see the link below: 

      I am running a test after producing the stream (https://github.com/aomidvar/scrapper-price-comparison/blob/main/kafkaproducer1.ipynb) to Confluent server and I like to do a flink job but the above mentioned modules are not found with the following links in collab:
      That is probably an easy fix bug. Only version of apache-flink now working on colab is 1.17.0. I prefer 3.10 but installed a virtual python 3.8 env and between different modules found out that Kafka and Json modules are not in descriptors.py of version 1.17 Apache-flink default. But modules exist in Apache-flink 1.13 version.
      I've got this error for Json, Kafka ...
       ImportError Traceback (most recent call last) <ipython-input-1-203af9e2c559> in <cell line: 2>() 1 from pyflink.table import DataTypes ----> 2 from pyflink.table.descriptors import Schema, Kafka, Json, Rowtime 3 from pyflink.table.catalog import FileSystem ImportError: cannot import name 'Kafka' from 'pyflink.table.descriptors' (/usr/local/lib/python3.10/dist-packages/pyflink/table/descriptors.py) 
       NOTE: If your import is failing due to a missing package, you can manually install dependencies using either !pip or !apt. To view examples of installing some common dependencies, click the "Open Examples" button below.
      I have doubt that if current error is related to a version and dependencies then 
      I have to ask the developer if I do this python 3.8 env is that possible to get solved?
      Thanks for your time ,


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          Alireza Omidvar
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          Alireza Omidvar

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