Status: Closed
Resolution: Resolved
This issue aims to verify FLIP-214:
We can verify it in SQL client after we build the flink-dist package.
verify create function using jar syntax
- Preparing a jar that contains the udf class implementation, the jar path should be a local or remote path such as hdfs/s3/oss.
- Creating a catalog function/temporary catalog function/temporary system function using the jar provided jar path.
- Using `show jars` to verify whether the function has been created successfully.
- Write a query which refer to the above udf, and then execute it. Verify the query execution and result correctness.
verify add jar syntax
We have ported the implementation of add jar/show jars from SQL client to TableEnvironment in FLIP-214, and the customed jar class load using user classloader instead of thread context classloader now, so we also should verify the add jar syntax.
- Preparing a jar that contains the udf or catalog implementation, the jar path should be a local or remote path such as hdfs/s3/oss.
- Using add jar syntax by the provided jar resource.
- Creating a catalog(such as jdbc/hive) using the added jar and execute other ddls within the catalog
- Creating a udf using the added jar and write a query referring to the udf, then submit it.