I have one very simple Flink application. I have installed kafka in my local and I am reading data from kafka with flink. I am using KafkaSource class in Flink. Although I have assigned GroupId with setGroupId, this groupId does not appear in Kafka.
object FlinkKafkaSource extends App { val env = StreamExecutionEnvironment.createLocalEnvironmentWithWebUI() case class Event(partitionNo:Long, eventTime:String, eventTimestamp:Long, userId:String, firstName:String) implicit val readsEvent: Reads[Event] = Json.reads[Event] env .fromSource(KafkaSource.builder[Event] .setBootstrapServers("localhost:9092") .setTopics("flink-connection") .setGroupId("test-group") // I can't see this groupId in kafka-consumer-groups .setStartingOffsets(OffsetsInitializer.latest) .setDeserializer(new KafkaRecordDeserializationSchema[Event] { override def deserialize(record: ConsumerRecord[Array[Byte], Array[Byte]], out: Collector[Event]): Unit = { val rec = Try(Json.fromJson[Event](Json.parse(rec)).get) match { case Success(event) => out.collect(event) case Failure(exception) => println(s"Couldn't parse string: $rec, error: ${exception.toString}") } } override def getProducedType: TypeInformation[Event] = createTypeInformation[Event] }) .build, WatermarkStrategy.noWatermarks[Event], "kafka-source" ) .keyBy(l => l.userId) .print env.execute("flink-kafka-source") }
I have created a topic in kafka named "flink-connection".
I am using a simple kafka-python producer to produce data flink-connection topic.
I am able to consume data from kafka to flink.
But can't see the groupId in kafka-consumer-groups
Does anyone has any idea why groupid is not setting?