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  1. Flink
  2. FLINK-22437

Miss adding parallesim for filter operator in batch mode




      when I execute batch sql as follow in flink-1.12.2, I found lots of small files in hdfs. In filesystem connector, `GroupedPartitionWriter` will be used, and it close the last partiton if a new record does not belong to the existing partition. The phenomenon occurred if there are more than one partiton's records are sent to filesystem sink at the same time. Hive source can determine parallesim by the number of file and partition, and the parallesim will extended by sort operator,  but in `CommonPhysicalSink#createSinkTransformation`,a filter operator will be add to support `SinkNotNullEnforcer`, there is no parallesim set for it, so filesystem sink operator can not get the correct parallesim from inputstream.

      CREATE CATALOG myHive with (
          'default-database' = 'flink_sql_online_test'
      -- SET table.sql-dialect=hive;
      -- CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS myHive.flink_sql_online_test.hive_sink (
      --    `timestamp` BIGINT,
      --    `time` STRING,
      --    id BIGINT,
      --    product STRING,
      --    price DOUBLE,
      --    canSell STRING,
      --    selledNum BIGINT
      -- ) PARTITIONED BY (
      --    dt STRING,
      --    `hour` STRING,
      --   `min` STRING
      -- ) TBLPROPERTIES (
      --    'partition.time-extractor.timestamp-pattern'='$dt $hr:$min:00',
      --    'sink.partition-commit.trigger'='partition-time',
      --    'sink.partition-commit.delay'='1 min',
      --    'sink.partition-commit.policy.kind'='metastore,success-file'
      -- );
      create table fs_sink (
          `timestamp` BIGINT,
          `time` STRING,
          id BIGINT,
          product STRING,
          price DOUBLE,
          canSell STRING,
          selledNum BIGINT,
          dt STRING,
          `hour` STRING,
          `min` STRING
      ) PARTITIONED BY (dt, `hour`, `min`) with (
      insert into fs_sink
      select * from myHive.flink_sql_online_test.hive_sink;

      I think this problem can be fixed by adding a parallesim for it just like

      val dataStream = new DataStream(env, inputTransformation).filter(enforcer)



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