Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
CREATE TABLE csv_table (
f0 ROW<f0c0 VARCHAR, f0c1 VARCHAR>,
f1 ROW<f1c0 INT, f1c1 VARCHAR>
If f0 is null and f1c0=123, f1c1=456, the serialized data will be: ,123;456
When deserialize the data, the jsonNode of f0 would be [], then throws cast exception: Row length mismatch. 2 fields expected but was 0.
In the real scene, I set two streams:
First, read json_table, sink to csv_table, which has the schema above.
Then, read csv_table, do sth.
if json is {"f0": null, "f1": {"f1c0": 123, "f1c1": 456}}, the second streams failed with the exception.
If this is a bug, I want to help to fix this and unittests.
here is the test code:
// code placeholder val subDataType0 = ROW( FIELD("f0c0", STRING()), FIELD("f0c1", STRING()) ) val subDataType1 = ROW( FIELD("f1c0", INT()), FIELD("f1c1", INT()) ) val datatype = ROW( FIELD("f0", subDataType0), FIELD("f1", subDataType1)) val rowType = datatype.getLogicalType.asInstanceOf[RowType] val serSchema = new CsvRowDataSerializationSchema.Builder(rowType).build() val deserSchema = new CsvRowDataDeserializationSchema.Builder(rowType, new RowDataTypeInfo(rowType)).build() def foo(r: RowData): Unit = { val serData = new String(serSchema.serialize(r)) print(s"${serData}") val deserRow = deserSchema.deserialize(serData.getBytes) println(s"${deserRow}") } val normalRowData = GenericRowData.of( GenericRowData.of(BinaryStringData.fromString("hello"), BinaryStringData.fromString("world")), GenericRowData.of(Integer.valueOf(123), Integer.valueOf(456)) ) // correct. foo(normalRowData) val nullRowData = GenericRowData.of( null, GenericRowData.of(Integer.valueOf(123), Integer.valueOf(456)) ) /* Exception in thread "main" Failed to deserialize CSV row ',123;456 ... Caused by: java.lang.RuntimeException: Row length mismatch. 2 fields expected but was 0. */ foo(nullRowData)
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