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      The Row.toSting method has been reworked. This is an incompatible change. If the legacy representation is still required for tests, the old behavior can be restored via the flag RowUtils.USE_LEGACY_TO_STRING for the local JVM. However, relying on the row's string representation for tests is not a good idea in general as field data types are not verified.
      The Row.toSting method has been reworked. This is an incompatible change. If the legacy representation is still required for tests, the old behavior can be restored via the flag RowUtils.USE_LEGACY_TO_STRING for the local JVM. However, relying on the row's string representation for tests is not a good idea in general as field data types are not verified.


      This updates the Row.toString method to provide a good summary string.

      In particular it fixes the following issues:

      Changeflag: According to FLIP-95, a row describes an entry in a
      changelog. Therefore, it should visible whether a row is an insert,
      delete, or update change. Now indicated with +I, -D, +U, -U.

      Nested rows: In the old implementation it was not visible whether nested
      rows exist or not due to missing start/end boundaries. Now indicated with
      [...] or


      Positioned rows vs. named rows: According to FLIP-136, it should be visible
      whether a row operates in name-based or position-based field mode. Now
      indicated with [...] or {...}


      Nested arrays in maps and lists: In the old implementation arrays in maps
      or lists could not be represented.

      Wrong formatting: Most programming languages use a space after a comma.


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              twalthr Timo Walther
              twalthr Timo Walther
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