Status: Resolved
Resolution: Fixed
Flink allows for more than one registered catalogs. CatalogManager class is the holding class to manage and encapsulate the catalogs and their interrelations with Calcite.
Following section describes how table resolution should work:
PATH resolution:
First look into DEFAULT PATH: cat or cat.db. Then in the root. This is also the behavior of Calcite. We should mimic this behavior in Flink.
root: |- builtin |- default |- tab1 |- tab2 |- db1 |- tab1 |- clashing |- tab1 |- cat1 |- db1 |- tab1 |- tab2 |- extCat1 |- tab1 |- clashing |- tab1 |- extCat2 |- tab1 |- tab2 |- clashing (ExternalCatalog) |- tab1
There is always a default catalog, initially set to builtin and default database initially set to default.
Assume default path = builtin then default.tab1 = builtin.default.tab1 tab1 = error cat1.db1.tab1 = cat1.db1.tab1 clashing.tab1 = builtin.clashing.tab1 default path = extCat1 then tab1 = extCat1.tab1 clashing.tab1 = extCat1.clashing.tab1 default path = extCat1.extCat2 (do not support further nesting) then tab1 = extCat1.extCat2.tab1 clashing.tab1 = clashing.tab1
Structure in the Planner(Calcite-specific)
root: CatalogManagerSchema(CatalogManager) |- CatalogCalciteSchema(ReadableCatalog) |- DatabaseCalciteSchema (ReadableCatalog scoped to DB) |- Table |- ExternalCatalogSchema |- Table |- ExternalCatalogSchema |- Table
Structure in the API
CatalogManager: |- ReadableCatalog |- CatalogTable |- ExternalCatalog |- ExternalCatalog |- ExternalCatalogTable
Issue Links
- blocks
FLINK-9172 Support catalogs in SQL-Client yaml config file
- Closed
- is duplicated by
FLINK-10698 Create CatalogManager class manages all external catalogs and temporary meta objects
- Closed
FLINK-10768 Move external catalog related code from TableEnvironment to CatalogManager
- Closed
FLINK-10796 Add a default external catalog (as FlinkInMemoryCatalog) to CatalogManager
- Closed
- links to