Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
Adobe Flex SDK Previous
Affected OS(s): Windows
Affected OS(s): Windows XP
Language Found: English
Steps to reproduce:
In RFT Flex testing we have some functions which go through the complete control heirarchy starting from Flex aplication as root to all its children till leaf nodes. This is basically done to find all controls which have certain properties, which can be anywhere in the flex application.
Its taking a very long time when Flex application is huge , containing many controls (sample attached)
From the log and time captured in debug flash player log, it looks the time taken by the three automation methods increases gradually and becomes around 300 milliseconds for one control's parsing, resolveid.
For big application the cumulative delay becomes very high.
Methods are : AutomationID.parse, automationManager.resolveID and IAutomationObject:createAutomationIDPart
1.For the sample attached here try to run these methods for each control in the application starting from Flex application and then get its children using automationManager.getChildren()and repeat process on same.
2.If you record timings of each of these methods , gradually it becomes more.
Actual Results:
performance hit
Expected Results:
It should take less time.
Workaround (if any):