Status: Resolved
Resolution: Incomplete
Adobe Flex SDK Previous
Affected OS(s): Windows
Affected OS(s): Windows XP
Language Found: English
OS - Windows XP
FlashPlayer version - version: WIN 10,0,32,18
Browser - IE6
Flex SDK - 3.2.0
PlayerType - ActiveX
Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a build.xml file which contains a target name= "execmxmlc">:
<target name="execmxmlc">
<exec executable="${FLEX_HOME}/bin/mxmlc.exe" failonerror="true">
<arg line="-output '${outputfile}'" />
<arg line="-keep-generated-actionscript=false" />
<arg line="-optimize=true" />
<arg line="-debug=false" />
<arg line="-warnings=false" />
<arg line="-services '${servicesfile}'" />
<arg line="-context-root '${contextroot}'" />
<arg line="-compiler.include-libraries=libs/flex/AlivePDF.swc,libs/flex/Cairngorm.swc,libs/flex/automation.swc,libs/flex/automation_agent.swc,libs /flex/automation_dmv.swc,libs/flex/qtp.swc,libs/flex/automation_flashflexkit.swc" />
<arg line="-compiler.source-path='${basedir}/${flexsrc}'" />
<arg line="${mxmlfile}" />
2. Application has been build with success.
3. Enabled ActiveX controls in IE6.
3. Run the application in the IE6.
3. Testing in QTP.
4. Proved that included automation libraries were indeed included into the final build by comparing the sizes of the MyApp.swf file with and without the added libraries.
4. Proved that QTP environment is working by successfully test driving the Adobe's FlexStrore and some of our simple applications in QTP.
Actual Results:
a. Some controls in the application are not responding to user's interactions - clicks, mouse overs, etc.
b. QTP ObjectSpy recognizes only some of the GUI Components.
c. The error "Unable to load Adobe Flex 3 Plug-in for Mercury Quick Test Pro - 'Automation server can't create object'" has been printout to the flashlog.txt.
c. Application is not testable in QTP at this time.
Expected Results:
We expect to be able to conduct the automation testing of the application using QTP.
Workaround (if any):