Status: Closed
Resolution: Cannot Reproduce
Adobe Flex SDK 4.1 (Release)
Affected OS(s): Windows
Affected OS(s): Windows XP
Browser: Other (specify version)
Language Found: English
Steps to reproduce:
1.Create a bootstrap loader which loads common classes as described by Marshall plan, make sure that no Flex SDK class is loaded in the bootstrap by checking the link report.
2. Load the main application using the bootstrap loader
3. Load a sub-application using SWFLoader inside a child application domain of bootstrap, try to pass an object of common class from main application to sub-application & cast it to the class
Actual Results: Type casting fails for an object of Global class (loaded in bootstrap) inside sub-application, this happens only starting with Flash player 10.3 earlier players work fine
Expected Results: Since the class is loaded within Flash player using Bootstrap it should be globally accessible, Flash player 10.3 should work according to documented behavior & inline with previous versions of Flash player
Workaround (if any): None