Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Adobe Flex SDK Previous
Affected OS(s): All OS Platforms
Browser: Other (specify version)
Language Found: English
Steps to reproduce:
1. Get to the ASDoc for the "preloader" property of Application
Actual Results:
Specifies the path of a SWC component class or ActionScript component class that defines a custom progress bar. A SWC component must be in the same directory as the MXML file or in the WEB-INF/flex/user_classes directory of your Flex web application.
Note: This property cannot be set by ActionScript code; it must be set in MXML code.
Expected Results:
Some more clear instructions
Workaround (if any):
This is not a bug but i find this ASDoc very misleading. Why does it specify the component class is from a SWC? Why would it have to be a progress bar? If you specify an ActionScript preloader, you can do any kind of preloader.
The final bit about the "WEB-INF/flex/user_classes" is also weird, it is either outdated or wrong.