Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
Adobe Flex SDK Previous
Affected OS(s): Mac
Affected OS(s): Mac OS 10.6
Browser: Safari
Language Found: English
Steps to reproduce:
1. Run the code pasted bellow. Inspect event.stageX and event.stageY at the lines where I've added the comments.
Actual Results:
The events properties stageX and stageY has been modified with the amount I moved my UI component
Expected Results:
The event properties should hold the values set at the time when the event was dispatched.
Workaround (if any):
Copy the stageX and stageY values before moving the UI Component.
Example application:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<s:Application minHeight="600" minWidth="955" xmlns:fx=""
xmlns:mx="library://" xmlns:s="library://">
// Fields
private var $$$xStart:Number = 0;
private var $$$yStart:Number = 0;
// Functions
protected function $$$rect_mouseUpHandler( event:MouseEvent ):void
{ this.removeEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE , handleMouseMove , false ); }protected function group1_mouseDownHandler( event:MouseEvent ):void
{ this.addEventListener( MouseEvent.MOUSE_MOVE , handleMouseMove , false , 0 , true ); $$$xStart = event.stageX; $$$yStart = event.stageY; }protected function handleMouseMove( event:MouseEvent ):void
{ var $deltaX:Number = event.stageX - $$$xStart; var $deltaY:Number = event.stageY - $$$yStart; $$$xStart = event.stageX; $$$yStart = event.stageY; $$$rect.x = $$$rect.x + $deltaX; $$$rect.y = $$$rect.y + $deltaY; // event.stageX is now event.stageX + $deltaX!!. Expected just event.stageX. // event.stageX is now event.stageY + $deltaY!!. Expected just event.stageY. event.updateAfterEvent(); } ]]
<s:Group height="50" id="$$$rect" mouseDown="group1_mouseDownHandler(event)" mouseUp="$$$rect_mouseUpHandler(event)" width="50">
<s:Rect height="50" width="50">
<s:SolidColor color="#464646"/>