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  1. Apache Flex
  2. FLEX-26701

switching states between percentWidth and explicitWidth doesn't save original value



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Critical
    • Resolution: Fixed
    • Adobe Flex SDK Previous
    • None
    • States
    • None
    • Affected OS(s): All OS Platforms
      Language Found: English


      Steps to reproduce:
      1. Compile & run:
      <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
      <s:Application xmlns:fx="http://ns.adobe.com/mxml/2009"
      xmlns:mx="library://ns.adobe.com/flex/mx" minWidth="955" minHeight="600">
      import mx.events.FlexEvent;

      protected function traceWidths(event:FlexEvent):void

      { // TODO Auto-generated method stub trace(this.currentState, ": rect.width =", rect.width); }



      <s:State name="defaultState"/>
      <s:State name="fixedState"/>
      <s:State name="percentState"/>

      <s:Button click="this.currentState='fixedState'" label="fixedState" />
      <s:Button click="this.currentState='percentState'" label="percentState" />
      <s:Button click="this.currentState='defaultState'" label="defaultState" />

      <s:Group width="200" updateComplete="traceWidths(event)">
      <s:Rect id="rect" width="50" width.fixedState="100" width.percentState="100%" height="100">
      <s:SolidColor color="red" />

      2. Click on "percentState" button
      3. Click on "defaultState" button

      Actual Results:
      When returning to defaultState, the width of the rect is now 0.

      Expected Results:
      The rect's width should be 50.

      Workaround (if any):
      Explicitly set the width in the "defaultState" state.

      // OLD: For FormText
      Actual Results:
      When returning to defaultState, the rows that had percentage heights specified are now 0 instead of the default height value.
      defaultState row1: 20, row2: 35, row3: 50, row4: 40, row5: 30, row6: 25
      fixedPerState row1: 20, row2: 59, row3: 40, row4: 117, row5: 30, row6: 234
      defaultState row1: 20, row2: 0, row3: 50, row4: 0, row5: 30, row6: 0

      Expected Results:
      When returning to defaultState, the rows should have the default height value.
      defaultState row1: 20, row2: 35, row3: 50, row4: 40, row5: 30, row6: 25
      fixedPerState row1: 20, row2: 59, row3: 40, row4: 117, row5: 30, row6: 234
      defaultState row1: 20, row2: 35, row3: 50, row4: 40, row5: 30, row6: 25

      Workaround (if any):
      Set the "default" height to the "defaultState" state.




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