New Feature
Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
Adobe Flex SDK Previous
Language Found: English
I'd love a GUI utility (perhaps in Flash Builder, perhaps a standalone utility) to automatically add/modify the Flex SDKs environment variable on my system. Ideally, here's what I envision.
1. I'd like a field and browse button so I can point to my .bash_profile or .profile, etc
2. I'd like a field and browse button so I can point to an SDK on my system, set initially to the default SDK in my Flash Builder install
3. I'd like a field and submit button where I could name/modify the environment variable, defaulting to 'FLEX_HOME'
4. I'd also like a way to just click once and add the default SDK to the environment vars with the default 'FLEX_HOME' variable name.
The same functionality should be available for AIR-overlaid Flex SDKs. (See