Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Adobe Flex SDK Previous
Affected OS(s): All OS Platforms
Language Found: English
Catalyst is requesting the following polish changes for the wireframe theme skins:
1) In DropDownListButtonSkin:
- Remove the divider line
- Change background fill to: color="#BABABA" color.up="#EEEEEE" color.over="#DDDDDD" color.down="#DDDDDD"
2)In TabBarButtonSkin and ButtonBarButtonSkin:
- Change background fill to: color="#FFFFFF" color.selectedStates="#DDDDDD" color.over="#EEEEEE" color.down="#DDDDDD"
3) In VideoPlayerSkin, darken the footer controls as follows:
- Change play/pause icon to: #707070
- Change volume icon to: #707070
- Change fullscreen icon to: #707070
- In ScrubBarThumbSkin, change fill to: color="#EEEEEE" color.over="#DDDDDD" color.down="#CCCCCC"
— Optional (time allowing) —
4) Add 2-pixel space between tabs (in TabBarSkin, change gap from -1 to 2), and add horizontal line running along the bottom (same color and y position as the bottom border of the tab buttons; and width 100% of skin width)
5) Change right-hand side of ComboBox skin to match the DropDownList color change
6) Change buttons in NumericStepper skin to match the DropDownList color change