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  1. Apache Flex
  2. FLEX-23190

VerticalLayout crash



    • Bug
    • Status: Closed
    • Major
    • Resolution: Invalid
    • Adobe Flex SDK Previous
    • None
    • Spark: VerticalLayout
    • None
    • Affected OS(s): Mac
      Affected OS(s): Mac OS 10.6
      Browser: Firefox 3.x
      Language Found: English


      Steps to reproduce:
      1. The flash player is trying to render a datagroup inside a scroller inside a skinnable container with includeInLayout="false" on the skinnable container. I notice there is a TBD comment two lines below the line where the crash occurs, so perhaps this bug is already known?

      Actual Results:


      • @private
      • Binary search for the first layout element that contains y.
      • This function considers both the element's actual bounds and
      • the gap that follows it to be part of the element. The search
      • covers index i0 through i1 (inclusive).
      • This function is intended for variable height elements.
      • Returns the index of the element that contains y, or -1.
        private static function findIndexAt(y:Number, gap:int, g:GroupBase, i0:int, i1:int):int { var index:int = (i0 + i1) / 2; var element:ILayoutElement = g.getElementAt(index); var elementY:Number = element.getLayoutBoundsY(); var elementHeight:Number = element.getLayoutBoundsHeight(); // TBD: deal with null element, includeInLayout false. if ((y >= elementY) && (y < elementY + elementHeight + gap)) return index; else if (i0 == i1) return -1; else if (y < elementY) return findIndexAt(y, gap, g, i0, Math.max(i0, index-1)); else return findIndexAt(y, gap, g, Math.min(index+1, i1), i1); }

      TypeError: Error #1009: Cannot access a property or method of a null object reference.
      at spark.layouts::VerticalLayout$/findIndexAt()[E:\dev\gumbo_beta2\frameworks\projects\spark\src\spark\layouts\VerticalLayout.as:813]
      at spark.layouts::VerticalLayout/scrollPositionChanged()[E:\dev\gumbo_beta2\frameworks\projects\spark\src\spark\layouts\VerticalLayout.as:903]
      at spark.layouts.supportClasses::LayoutBase/set _1010846676verticalScrollPosition()[E:\dev\gumbo_beta2\frameworks\projects\spark\src\spark\layouts\supportClasses\LayoutBase.as:309]
      at spark.layouts.supportClasses::LayoutBase/set verticalScrollPosition()
      at spark.components.supportClasses::GroupBase/set _1010846676verticalScrollPosition()[E:\dev\gumbo_beta2\frameworks\projects\spark\src\spark\components\supportClasses\GroupBase.as:480]
      at spark.components.supportClasses::GroupBase/set verticalScrollPosition()
      at spark.components::DataGroup/commitProperties()[E:\dev\gumbo_beta2\frameworks\projects\spark\src\spark\components\DataGroup.as:704]
      at mx.core::UIComponent/validateProperties()[E:\dev\gumbo_beta2\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\core\UIComponent.as:7387]
      at mx.managers::LayoutManager/validateProperties()[E:\dev\gumbo_beta2\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\LayoutManager.as:572]
      at mx.managers::LayoutManager/doPhasedInstantiation()[E:\dev\gumbo_beta2\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\LayoutManager.as:730]
      at mx.managers::LayoutManager/doPhasedInstantiationCallback()[E:\dev\gumbo_beta2\frameworks\projects\framework\src\mx\managers\LayoutManager.as:1069]

      Workaround (if any):

      Don't use includeInLayout=false ??




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