Status: Open
Resolution: Unresolved
Adobe Flex SDK Previous
Affected OS(s): All OS Platforms
Affected OS(s): All OS Platforms
Language Found: English
Steps to reproduce:
1. Create a custom component with a soundeffect, and a swfloader, have both autoload properties set to true
1a. The soundeffect and the swf loader can be created dynamically (through as3 rather then mxml) if desired .. and you don't need to use soundeffect when using code)
2. Dynamically create multiple instances of the custom component, and set the source of the audio, then the swf
Actual Results:
Each of the sound effects will begin playing when each of the swfloaders are done
this creates a huge multi-layered sound montage. Each of the sounds will begin playing, but since was not called by accessible code, the soundchannel/transform are lost into oblivion .. only a SoundMixer.StopAll() works, but usually only after some of the sound has already played.
Expected Results:
The sounds should not be played unless called to play
Workaround (if any):
Setting the AUTOLOAD to FALSE (on both sound object and swfloader), and manually calling load() after setting the source will create the expected behavior