Status: Closed
Resolution: Fixed
Adobe Flex SDK Previous
Affected OS(s): Windows
Affected OS(s): Windows XP
Browser: Firefox 3.x
Language Found: English
Steps to reproduce:
1. Create an application with a spark TextInput (or TextArea) component on it;
2. Register keyUp or keyDown listener (use bubbling phase) with the text input or application itself;
3. In the handler put a trace statement for the event.keyCode like: trace ("Key pressed: " + event.keyCode);
4. Run the application in debug mode, click on a text box and press ENTER key.
Actual Results:
The handler is not called and trace statement is not executed: keyboard event is not dispached (or maybe is stopped) by the TextInput component.
Expected Results:
Handler should be called and trace statement should be executed giving the following text in the output: "Key pressed: 13".
Workaround (if any):
Use capturing phase instead of bubbling phase.