Status: Closed
Resolution: Not A Problem
Adobe Flex SDK 3.2 (Release)
Affected OS(s): Windows
Affected OS(s): Windows XP
Browser: Internet Explorer 7.x
Language Found: English
Flex SDK version -
Application code is given in attached file - JPTest.mxml.
Steps to reproduce:
1. Change your key board language to Japanese if you are using a windows of english version.
2. Enable Japanese language in windows and thru language tool bar we can switch to JP to type in Japanese. Then set the input mode to Full width katakana.
3. Type full width katakana characters in one of the text field. Even after reaching the boundary of the text input, still we can enter these Japanese characters.
4. Select another text input field, all the previously entered full width katakana characters appear. We can get rid of these characters only by reloading the application or refreshing the whole application.
Actual Results:
Full width Katakana Japanese characters are not displayed within the boundary of the text input or text area fields as shown in attached image.
Expected Results:
Full width Katakana Japanese characters should be displayed within the boundary of the text input or text area similar to english characters.
Workaround (if any):
We didn't find any work around.